Introducing Dee

Hello and thank you for checking out the RAD (Rise After Divorce) Project! This is my way of helping women, like you, through relationship breakdown to successfully move on and thrive.

It’s been created using my professional change management and coaching skills as well as, and most importantly, the knowledge and experience of my own relationship breakdown and divorce.

Throughout my own personal journey, I learned so much about my own capacity for change and resilience. And in the last decade since my divorce, I’ve created a life I never dreamed possible.

The RAD Project is an active ‘how to guide’ that draws on the things I got right as well as lessons from the things I got wrong (so you can avoid them). I’ve wanted to create this kind of help and support because when I was experiencing this change myself, there was nothing like it available. I know I would have benefited hugely from the support which this course offers.

When a long-term relationship or marriage breaks down, you’re dealing with a minefield of emotions as you attempt to process the grief and the fall-out of the life you’d thought you’d be sharing with your now ex-partner, even when the break up is amicable. It’s typically a time when you’re at your most vulnerable and yet, it also coincides with the exact time you need to make big, life changing decisions like selling property, dividing assets, getting a divorce, moving out of your home etc.

There’s no ‘quick fix’ through the pain or work involved, but with the right guidance and action plan, you can more easily and quickly navigate your way through the change journey and turn it into a transformational experience, that enables you to create the life you’ve always wanted to live.

It is my hope that, like me, it will also help you to successfully move on with your life.

Dee X

Let’s Begin